Author: Dominic BuonoAdded: August 20, 2006PHP is the programming language of the web it’s a fact the php is used on more webservers servers than any other web language. At the time of writing php is installed on just under than 24,000,000 Domains.. MYSQL is a commercial grade database application that is made available free under the Open Source to anyone. It’s had over 6 million installs ranging from large muli-national corporations to specialized embedded applications the website also claims mysql is installed on every continent in the world… Including antartica. At least they can blame the weather when the computer freezes… hehe! Currently MYSQL runs on more than 20 platforms including Linux, Windows, OS/X, HP-UX, AIX and Netware. Which is a perfect solution for portability requirements. PHP – MYSQL it does have uses The benefits to creating a site that implements a php and mysql setup are really down the site and how it wants to run and taking into account how specific data is stored and displayed, php and mysql can be used in many senarios including: # Storing and Displaying Lots of Categorised data – For example the article you are reading now, has come from our mysql database. Sites with lots of information that needs to be categorised, stored and easily displayed would benefit from a mysql backend. Lets again take this site for example, if we created the site the old fashioned way then we would have to create a single HTML page for every article. Now lets say we we wanted to change a link in the menu right of this page then we would need to go through each and every single HTML page and manually change every element to it. Not fun I’m sure you’d agree. but with php and mysql all we now need to do is change one single php page and the whole site updates our link.. Saving you time and your sanity. # Saving customer data into php- Many websites as an example use the duo to save customer data, Including Name, telephone, address etc.. well you get the picture. MYSQL can also track customers locations on the site and save that information into the database. PHP can also store customer purchasing and previous orders into the database which allows you to build up a perfect system for tracking customer trends and customers shopping habits based on country. All you would need to do is create a php that told mysql to grab the particular information only. Installation Please take note that your web host will have php and mysql pre installed on the server but and easy way to check is copy the code just below into notepad then save it as ‘info.php’. Upload it to your webspace via FTP and then goto your browser and type in or where ever you dropped the file. < ?php phpinfo(); ?> it should show you a lot of information such as the version of php your running and additonal, but useful information about the configuration of your php. A list of installed manuals is also included. To install PHP & MYSQL on windows you can do it manually or you can use a program called WAMPserver which will automatically install the setup for you, just to let you know the W.A.M.P stands for windows,server 2003 serial, Apache, Mysql and PHP. WAMPserver installation on windows WAMP5 installs the following software on your machine Apache 1.3.31 ,PHP5, MySQL database ,PHPmyadmin and SQLitemanager on your computer. Essentially your going to turn your windows machine into a webserver beacause we are installing apache. PHP does need apache webserver to run in this setup usually. You can download WAMPserver here: Here are the installation instructions from wampservers site: When you install WAMP5, all the files are copied in the directory you choose. Conf files are then modified to point to that directory. It also installs a “www” directory which will be your Document Root. At the end of the installation, WAMP5 will automatically install Apache and MySQL as services : – service’ wampapache’ : apache service – service ‘wampmysql’ : mysql service WAMP5’s installation is compact. This means that all files are copied to WAMP5’s directory. Only the MySQL conf file (usually my.ini) is copied to the Windows directory but as “mywamp.ini” to avoid conflicts with other installs. You just have to click on the icon tray to access WAMP5’s menu, The icon tray reflects the status of your server, When you’ll uninstall WAMP5, all the services and files will be automatically deleted. In part two will be getting down to the nitty gritty by setting up the mysql database and connecting to it through php. For part 2 of this tutorial visit: Thanks!About the author: Tutorial provided by – webmaster tutorials, Webmaster News and tools. This notice must remain intact. copyright (c) – Used with permission Related post?
PHP & MySQL Tutorial Introduction
24 mai 2011What Your Electronics Manufacturing Service Provid
23 mai 2011Contract electronics manufacturing service or EMS providers typically work with customers in a wide range of industries with differing requirements for inventory control, testing, product packaging, and product support. In some applications, the EMS provider simply assembles the printed circuit boards and then ships the boards to the customer. In other applications, the EMS provider will assemble the printed circuit board, load firmware/software into memory, test the board, and then assemble the board and associated cables, enclosures, and documentation into a finished product that is shipped to the customer. Some customers will provide all of the materials, raw boards and electronic components, required for a job and the EMS provider assemblies the printed circuit boards,windows xp professional sp3 product key, performs any required testing, and ships the finished boards to the customer. This is generally considered as inventory provided on a consignment basis where the EMS provider basically provides labor and expertise only. Some customers provide some portion on the materials, such as specialty or high cost integrated circuits, proprietary parts such as transformers or coils, raw printed circuit boards, etc. and rely on the EMS provider to purchase the remainder of the components needed to assemble the boards. Most EMS providers prefer to use their own purchasing power, their extensive contacts, and their existing parts inventory where applicable to provide all of the required materials for a customer’s particular project. This method is generally considered as inventory provided on a turn-key basis.
But before any of this can happen, the EMS provider must provide an assembled board quote or pricing estimate to the customer for the project. In addition to the quantity commitments, production release quantity and annual usage quantity, this pricing process also requires a detailed bill of material from the customer along with a set of the Gerber files for the printed circuit boards. The BOM should define all of the components along with the approved vendor and vendor’s part number for each component. This information allows the Materials Management group to determine availability, packaging, and pricing for each component based on the quantities and vendor information. The BOM information is also needed to allow a technical review to determine the amount of labor and the equipment required to place the parts and to solder the components to the board.
The Gerber files for the printed circuit board design provide Materials Management with the information they need in order to get raw board pricing and lead times from the printed circuit board manufacturing vendors. The Gerber files also provide the Manufacturing Group with the information they need to develop the manufacturing plan, are components on top only or top and bottom of board; surface mount, thru hole, or mixed component types; wave solder or reflow oven processes required, etc. The Manufacturing Group also has to estimate time to program the component placement equipment and to load the components in the placement feeders, set-up costs, costs to order the solder paste stencils, and must also quantify test plans, procedures, and required test equipment. In order to correctly place components on the printed circuit board with each component properly oriented, the EMS provider will need silkscreen files to know the correct orientation of the parts on each side of the board. The screen paste file for surface mount applications will be required to order the stencils for the solder paste application to the board prior to the part placements.
All of this may seem to be a lot of information, but each piece is needed in order to provide the most cost effective pricing for the finished product. Fortunately, the Gerber files are usually readily available from the pcb design system as the Gerber format is the industry standard output format. The BOM is usually in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or formal drawing. Assist your EMS provider by providing the approved vendor’s name and part number for each component.
In Summary:
The information required to prepare an accurate quotation for a typical printed circuit board assembly project includes:
-Definition of inventory method, consignment, partial consignment, or turn-key. -Complete Bill of Material with at least one manufacturer’s name and part number for each component along with notes identifying any components to be supplied by the customer.-Gerber files for the printed circuit board designs.-Estimated Annual Usage, EAU, quantities and production release quantities.-Name of technical contact person, along with their telephone number, fax number, and email address.
Additional information that may be helpful if you have it available:
-Assembly, schematic, and PCB drawings.-Sample board assembly or prototype board assembly to review.-Test requirements and procedures required by the customer.
Jim UserySales and Marketing DirectorInnovative Circuits Inc.311A S Parkway StCorinth, MS 38834office 662-287-2007 toll free 866-887-7381fax 662-665-9275 email
Visit our website at for more information about Innovative Circuits Inc. and the services and expertise that we provide to our customers or for additional technical articles. You can also sign up for our free Ezine, PCB Information, at the bottom of the Home Page at
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Is Your Windows Registry Clogging Your System – To
23 mai 2011Every time you download someone onto your computer or install a new program, information is left behind that may cause your windows PC problems.?Learn about Windows Registry software features.
What is the Windows Registry?
Your PC Windows registry is the main database that is used while you are operating your computer. The more you use your computer, the more information is stored and the more complex your registry becomes.
Whenever you install new software, delete or make changes you are adding to the database. It is estimated that 90% of computers have corrupted files or missing information. Over time, your registry will get bigger and bigger due to changes, additions and deletions. These changes can cause your Windows registry to have errors.
Important Features of Registry Repair Software
It is important to use registry repair software because it will clean, organize and streamline your computer? registry. Life online can result in a build up of garbage on your computer. Computer registry software will unclog the gunk that is left behind. Your computer will begin to malfunction without running a good registry repair program on a regular basis.
If your computer crashes this means costly computer repair bills and losing your data.
Keeping your computer data safe is critical so it is important to purchase a high quality registry repair software. If you are not careful in your purchase of these types of programs you may end up removing vital pieces of data that could annihilate your entire system.
Features to Look for in Registry Repair Software
A high quality registry repair software will search for a variety of possible problems, including: file types, sound, shell extensions, invalid paths, fonts, help files class keys and AppEvents. It is important to purchase a program that is well organized in a logical fashion and easy to access.
Ease of use means that no matter what level your computer skills are at the registry repairs software is not complicated to install and use.
Make sure that additional programs or downloads are not required for the registry repair program to run at its optimal capacity.
Be sure to purchase a registry repair software that offers comprehensive help options that are easy to read and follow and not filled with difficult technical terms. A variety of contact avenues should be provided such as telephone, email,office 2007 license key, or chat. Quality customer support is vital.
Safety is a must in registry repair programs. A superior software will include a high level of communication so problems can be viewed from a large perspective all the way to the slightest error. If you move ahead without a sound quality registry repair software you could create more problems, rather than resolving the ones you have.
Top 3 Windows Registry software programs.
1. RegCure
2. Registry Booster
3. Norton SystemWorks
Article Tags:
Registry Repair Software, Quality Registry Repair, Windows Registry, Registry Repair, Repair Software, Quality Registry
Source: Free Articles from
Richard Seng tells it like it is.?Richard is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with an informational website where you can find the top rated Internet Security software programs to protect your computer.?In many cases you can find discounts that range from 10% to 25% Off at FilterGuide.
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Ravel Shoes – History and Review
23 mai 2011Ravel Shoes or Chausseurs Ravel was a great shop to buy shoes from but what happened to them and what are they doing now? Ravel Shoes!
The company was set up in 1934 as a tiny independent shoe store under various different fascia. It was owned by a Mrs Wise and her family, pretty much the norm for the time, as Mr Freemen, Mr Hardy and Mr Willis got together and formed their iconic company as well as Dolly and Cissy formed the iconic Dol-Cis (not a lot of peope know this!) Wikpedia has it that it was derived from a Swiss insole stamp?
The company grew consistenly over the following years and they added more and more shops to their portfolio. Many years passed by as the company continued to slowly expand and in the 1960′s they were well known as a destination store for trendy London fashionistas. In 1967 the family bought a shop in London on Oxford Street which was called ‘Chausseurs Raoul’ and they changed this later to « Ravel », the ‘Chaussers’ bit was used to give the store a more continental feel! July 1967 was the ‘Summer of Love’ and Ravel captured the moment with outragrous, high leg white patent boots and the start of slim paltform and bright colours! fitting in perfectly with the psychedelic music and fashion of the day.
In late 1967 the Clarks’ family bought a small share of the business which was traded apart from the main Clarks’ company and the company really took off. Their head-office was moved down to Aldershot and later moved in to Conduit Street in the centre of London. This was the perfect place to be, right in the heart of London and the surrounding streets!
When the Wise family decided to retire in 1974, the Clarks Company bought all of the shares and the firm continued to expand. The company became synonymous with quick fashion and a designer feel and sat apart from the huge British Shoes Corporation shops like Saxone and Lilly and Skinner for being different. Ravel Shoes were wild, out there and spot on trend. when platforms shoes were big in the early 1970′s ravel had the best and the biggest with originalty core to their success – other chains sat on the sidelines copying all the key looks.
The company started to lose its way during the 1990′s when in ’99 The Mighty Clarks Organisation made the huge mistake of moving Ravel’s head office to Street,office 2007 product key, Somerset where Clarks itself had its huge office complex, including Clarks Village. Almost immediately the company started to lose its way. It found it difficult to attract the right kind of employee away from the excitement of London and the company employed a stream of inexperienced and junior buyers and merchandisers, most of whom left quickly, failing to adapt to living in the heart of rural Somerset while failing to maintain the high level of fashionability that customers expect from the brand. Eventually buying became a committee decision process and the flair and inspiration that the company had traded on started to evaporate under corporate responsibilty.
Eventually the drab ranges, the company’s remoteness from style-led central London life and the dull surroundings led to the company’s demise, and the oustanding success of the 60′, 70′s and 80′s quickly became a distand memory with the great and the good, and the fashionistas finding better places to shop
It was 2007 when Clarks finally put the chain out of its misery and closed the doors for good. The stores were all sold and the name auctioned off .
The brand name is now owned by the Jacobson Group from Lancashire who now distibute shoes made under the brand name around the country on a wholesale basis. Much of the old look has been retained with high fashion pumps and platforms central to the fashion ethos of the offer. Websites like stock a large selection of the brand which now only features Ladies’ shoes.
So if you were searching for Ravel Shops then you won’t find any because they are no more – A lesson in retail and a lingering message to todays young fashion shops.
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How to Change Microsoft Office 2007 Theme Color Using the Registry
23 mai 2011If you would like to change the color of your theme for any office 2007 program you can use the registry. You have the option to change to one of three different background colors. You can choose from blue, silver, or black. To change the color, BE VERY CARFULL and follow these directions. This edit will work for most installations of Microsoft office.1. Open Run and type « regedit »2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\3. Click the « Common » folder4. In the common folder you will find « Themes ». Double click « Themes ».5. Change the Hexadecimal value to the following:1 = Blue2 = Silver3 = Black6. Close the registry editor and open office. The theme should be updated to reflect the registry key.If you do not feel comfortable using the registry, it is just as simple, to change the color from the office menu. To accomplish this you will need to open any office program. Once an office program is open, click the office logo at the top left of the window. From there, click « Word options » In this menu under the « Popular » tab, you will find « Color Schemes ». From the dropdown list, you can choose from the three different colors. Click « OK » to apply the change. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, you will need to open an email or click « New » to open a second window that will have the office logo. From there you will find « Editor options ».Changing the color of your Microsoft office application can be done in two ways. Both are just as effective, but if you do not feel comfortable using the registry, use the second method to change your theme.Warmest Regards,Erik Mjelde
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Best Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate Serial Product Key Review
23 mai 2011Product DescriptionMicrosoft Office Ultimate 2007 Serial Key is designed to provide a computer owner, regardless of whether individual or enterprise, the ability to find, gather, organize and discuss effectively any type of info while giving you good quality results. A new streamlined interface can help create documents faster and easier with its intuitive software that indicates the appropriate tools while you require them. Office Ultimate 2007 also improved picture, charting and graphics tools that will help you produce professional-looking files, spreadsheets and presentations for the boardroom, school or home. IT includes:
Office Ultimate 2007 provides individuals in your own home using the acquainted tools they may apply at work to effectively collect, store, and talk about information. Includes the entire familiar Microsoft Office system programs you might make use of where you work: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager Microsoft Office Access 2007 Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Microsoft Office Groove 2007 office 2010 professional plus product key,microsoft office 2007 standard key,buy windows 7 home premium
It helps improve your productivity by enabling you to perform effectively with others from anywhere you can take your computer. With Office Groove 2007, you’ll be able to produce and customize Groove workspaces in seconds and invite colleagues, partners, and clients with superior safety and with no requesting IT resources. You are able to update projects, conferences, and forms records simultaneously with other team associates by when using the Groove Files tool. Involved is Office Groove, an important program for collaborating with colleagues, partners and customers using one application regardless of your place. All of your workspaces, tools and data are saved on your desktop for use no matter if you are outside, in your house, or on your way without having to access information from your corporate network.
Also includes Excel 2007, presenting upgraded visible formatting with colour cues to help recognize key data tendencies according to your own personalized principles. An extra secure anti-spam edition of Outlook will keep your personal information safe and remove the danger of being infected by harmful e-mail attachments or « phishing ». Keeping pace with the definitive goal of Office Ultimate is OneNote 2007, excellent for controlling your notes and information in one centrally located electronic digital notebook for easy access and quick reference.
With Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 Product Key you can Simplify Working Together that means Office Ultimate 2007 facilitates individuals to quickly find, gather, consolidate, and share information, regardless of location or corporation increasing everyone’s efficiency and productivity. Also you can Produce and Deal with Content just like Office Ultimate 2007 provides tools for more safely gathering, storing, and sharing previously unstructured information that team members need to be more productive.
Ultimate is the leading edition of Office 2007, coming with every single feature Office offers. Now buy Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 key code only $29. 50 on , which makes it instantly affordable for everybody. Go on and get it. I think nobody want to miss the chance to get it for this low a price. Let’s enjoy the wonderful feeling of Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007.
Problem Opening Microsoft Office 2007 docx Files in Office 2003
23 mai 2011Problem details:After creating a document in MS Office 2007, people using Office 2003 are unable to open the document. Office 2007 file formats are in docx, pptx, and xlsx, rather than doc, ppt, and xls and there are version incompatibilities between these formats. However, a document created in Office 2003 can be opened in both Office 2007 and 2003 without a problem, even after being edited in either version.Solution details:This incompatibility is caused because Microsoft changed the underlying technology around which the Office file formats are based. Although Office 2007 can read both the new and the old file formats, Office 2003 can only read the older format. There are two ways around this problem and both are relatively simple. The first possible solution is to enable Office 2003 to read the newer docx, pptx, and xlsx file formats. This is enabled with an update that’s downloadable from the Microsoft Download Center; just look for the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for 2007 File Formats download in the popular section or search for those keywords.
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Note that this update will enable Office 2003 to read 2007 file formats but will not be able to write to them. If you modify the documents, you’ll save them as a 2003 version doc, ppt, or xls file. The other option is to remember save files as 2003 format files even when creating them in Office 2003. This requires an extra step to remember but doesn’t require any extra software or add-ins. When saving a document, click the Office button, then Save, then Save As and under Save As Type, choose Office 97-2003 format. Now the document will be viewable in either Office 2003 or 2007. The problem with either one of these solutions is that the new underlying technologies of the 2007 file formats are necessary for some of the innovations in the Office 2007 system. For example, SmartArt and the new 3D graphs in Excel aren’t supported in file formats other the 2007 versions. As a result you will lose some of this new functionality of the 2007 version if you constrain yourself to using the 2003 file formats using either one of these techniques. Still, at least everyone can read all of your files with no incompatibilities.Relevant Links: